Adverse Weather Arrangement

Workshops (Parents, Teachers and Schools/Partners)

Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above

I. If the signal is hoisted 3 hours before the workshop begins, all workshops and/or related activities are cancelled.

Black Rainstorm Warning

II.If the signal is hoisted 3 hours before the course begins, all workshops and/or related activities are cancelled.

  1. If the above adverse weather warning signals are hoisted during any workshops and/or related activities, the workshops and/or related activities continue.
  2. If the workshops and/or related activities are cancelled due to the above adverse weather warning signals, it will be rescheduled. Please check our website for the details.

Experiential Learning Activities in Positive Education (Students)

Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above

I.If the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 is hoisted 3 hours before the activities begin, all activities for kindergarten students are cancelled, activities for primary schools will not be affected.

II. If the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted 3 hours before the activities begin, all activities are cancelled.

Red / Black Rainstorm Warning Signal

I.If the Red / Black Rainstorm Warning is issued 3 hours before the activities begin, all activities are cancelled.

Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal

I.SOWGOOD! Positive Education Centre operates as usual.

  1. If the Education Bureau announces the closure of the schools for the day, SOWGOOD!Positive Education Centre will follow the arrangement to cancel ALL activities, disregard whether the adverse weather warning signal is on or not.
  2. If the adverse weather warming signal is issued during the activity, the activity continues. After the completion of the programme, we will coordinate with teachers, look after the students until it is safe for them to leave.
  3. If the workshops are cancelled due to the above adverse weather warning signals, it will be rescheduled. We will make necessary arrangements at the earliest possible.
  4. If any participating school/organization has its own guidelines for outing in adverse weather conditions, please forward the corresponding information to us 7 working days prior to the activity.